Real-world ubiquitous computing systems face the challenge of requiring a significant amount of data to obtain accurate information through pure data-driven approaches. The performance of these data-driven systems greatly depends on the quantity and `quality' of data. In ideal conditions, pure data-driven methods perform well due to the abundance of data. However, in real-world systems, collecting data can be costly or impossible due to practical limitations. Physical knowledge, on the other hand, can be used to alleviate these issues of data limitation. This physical knowledge can include domain knowledge from experts, heuristics from experiences, as well as analytic models of the physical phenomena.
This workshop aims to explore the intersection between (and the combination of) data and physical knowledge. The workshop will bring together domain experts that explore the physical understanding of the data, practitioners that develop systems and the researchers in traditional data-driven domains. The workshop welcomes papers addressing these issues in different applications/domains as well as algorithmic and systematic approaches to apply physical knowledge. Therefore, we further seek to develop a community that systematically analyzes the data quality regarding inference and evaluates the improvements from the physical knowledge. Preliminary and on-going work are welcomed.
Please check our CPD-18 workshop here.
Many real-world ubiquitous computing systems make use of data-driven algorithms that require a significant amount of data to obtain good performance. System performance of these pure, data-driven systems largely depends on the quantity and quality of the data they use. Under ideal conditions – representative, large, balanced and labeled data – pure data-driven methods perform very well. However, in real-world systems, collecting data can be costly or impossible due to practical limitations. Physical knowledge (strong priors), can help alleviate issues that emerge when good data is limited. This includes 1) domain knowledge from experts, 2) experience-driven heuristics, and 3) analytic models of physical phenomena. With physical knowledge, we can infer target information more accurately compared to purely data-driven models. These priors can also improve performance and robustness when limited labeled data is available. In recent years, researchers have combined physical knowledge with traditional, data-driven approaches to improve model accuracy and system performance. We aim to attract researchers that are exploring fundamental questions about the integration of physical knowledge and data in real-world systems and deployments. We also aim to identify solutions and methodologies that generalize across various application domains.
Topics of Interests
- - Innovations in learning algorithms that combine physical knowledge or models for sensor perception and understanding
- - Experiences, challenges, analysis, and comparisons of sensor data in terms of its physical properties
- - Sensor data processing to improve learning accuracy
- - Machine learning and deep learning with physical knowledge on sensor data
- - Mobile and pervasive systems that utilize physical knowledge to enhance data acquisition
- - System services such as time and location estimation enhanced by additional physical knowledge
- - Heterogeneous collaborative sensing based on physical rules
The application areas include but not limited to:
- - Human-centric sensing applications
- - Environmental and structural monitoring
- - Smart cities and urban health
- - Health, wellness and medical
Successful submissions will explain why the topic is relevant to the data limitation caused problem that may be solved through the physical understanding of domain knowledge. In addition to citing relevant, published work, authors must cite and relate their submissions to relevant prior publications of their own. Ethical approval for experiments with human subjects should be demonstrated as part of the submission.
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: June 23, 2019 June 30, 2019, submit HERE
Author Notifications: July 1, 2019 July 8, 2019
Camera-ready: July 8, 2019 July 12, 2019
Workshop Date: September 9, 2019
Submission Guidelines
Please submit short papers using the SIGCHI Extended Abstract format with 2-8 pages of content. Note that we use the newest ACM SIGCHI Extended Abstract template. Please refer to this link. Submissions may include as many pages as needed for references. The submissions should not be anonymous.
Template download: here
Workshop Chairs
Xinlei Chen Carnegie Mellon University
Shijia Pan Carnegie Mellon University
Jorge Ortiz Rutgers University
Advising Committee
Rasit Eskicioglu University of Manitoba
Pei Zhang Carnegie Mellon University
Hae Young Noh Carnegie Mellon University
Jie Liu IEEE Fellow Microsoft Research Harbin Institute Technology
Pan Hui IEEE Fellow University of Helsinki Hongkong University of Science and Technology
Technical Programm Committee
Yong Li Tsinghua University
Roozbeh Jafari Texas A&M University
Mi Zhang Michigan State University
Yuan Tian University of Virginia
Yanjun Han Stanford University
Bing Liu Facebook AI
Ming Zeng Facebook Inc.
Pan Hu Stanford University
Yong Zhuang Carnegie Mellon University
Xiaoxuan Lu Oxford University
Jonathon Fagert Carnegie Mellon University
Mostafa Mirshekari Carnegie Mellon University
Jun Han National University of Singapore
Dezhi Hong University of California San Diego
Wen Hu The University of New South Wales
Registration opens (8:30-8:50)
Welcome! (8:50-9:00)
Speaker: Xinlei Chen, Carnegie Mellon University
Session 1: Data Quality Enhancement (9:00-10:30), Chair: Hancheng Cao
Rotation-Equivariant Convolutional Neural Network Ensembles
Liyao Gao (Purdue University), Hongshan Li (Insight), Zheying Lu, Guang Lin (Purdue University)
Causal Feature Selection for Physical Sensing Data: A Case Study on Power Events Prediction
Miao He (Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute, Tsinghua University), Weixi Gu (University of California, Berkeley), Yuxun Zhou, Ying Kong, Lin Zhang (Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute)
ImprovingWearable Sensor Data Quality Using Context Markers
Chaofan Wang, Zhanna Sarsenbayeva, Chu Luo, Jorge Goncalves, Vassilis Kostakos (The University of Melbourne)
City-Scale Vehicle Tracking and Traffic Flow Estimation using Low Frame-Rate Traffic Cameras
Peter Wei, Haocong Shi, Jiaying Yang, Jingyi Qian, Yinan Ji, Xiaofan Jiang (Columbia University)
Coffee Break (10:30-11:00)
Session 2: Learning with Limited Resources (11:00 – 12:30), Chair: Fengli Xu
Recycling Price Prediction of Renewable Resources
Ye Lu (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China), XinLei Chen (Carnegie Mellon University), BoJie Wang, TengYue Wang (HuanJia Group), Pei Zhang (Carnegie Mellon University), Yong Li (Tsinghua University)
A Deep Autoencoder Model for Pollution Map Recovery with Mobile Sensing Networks
Rui Ma, Ning Liu, Xiangxiang Xu, Yue Wang (Tsinghua University, Hae Young Noh, Pei Zhang (Carnegie Mellon University), Lin Zhang (Tsinghua University)
Motion2Vector: Unsupervised Learning in Human Activity Recognition Using Wrist-Sensing Data
Lu Bai (Ulster University), Chris Yeung (Shearwater Systems Ltd), Christos Efstratiou, Moyra Chikomo (University of Kent)
Degradable Inference for Energy Autonomous Vision Applications
Alessandro Montanari, Mohammed Alloulah (Nokia Bell Labs), Fahim Kawsar (Nokia Bell Labs)
Lunch (12:30-14:00)
Non-intrusive Human Sensing (14:00 – 15:30), Chair: Professor Rasit Eskicioglu
Towards context-free Semantic Localisation
Gabriele Marini, Jorge Goncalves, Eduardo Velloso (University of Melbourne), Raja Jurdak (Data61 - CSIRO), Vassilis Kostakos (University of Melbourne)
A Multi-modal Approach for Non-invasive Detection of Coronary Artery Disease
Rohan Banerjee (Research and Innovation Tata Consultancy Services), Avik Ghose, Aniruddha Sinha, Arpan Pal (TCS Research and Innovation), K M Mandana (Fortis Hospital)
An Agile Approach for Human Gesture Detection using Synthetic Radar Data
Andrew Gigie, Smriti Rani, Arijit Chowdhury, Tapas Chakravarty, Arpan Pal (TCS Research and Innovation)
P-Loc: A Device-free Indoor Localization System Utilizing Building Power-line Network
Tian Zhou, Yue Zhang (Tsinghua University), Xinlei Chen (Carnegie Mellon University), Khalid M. Mosalam (University of California, Berkeley), Hae Young Noh, Pei Zhang (Carnegie Mellon University), Lin Zhang (Tsinghua University)
Coffee Break (15:30-16:00)
Summary (16:00-17:00)
The CPD 2019 workshop is part of (co-located with) Ubicomp 2019, which will be held at London.